中华人民共和国行政区划数据【省、市、区县、乡镇街道】中国省市区镇三级四级联动地址数据(GB/T 2260)
🇨🇳 Element UI && antd Cascader级联选择器 中国省市区三级、二级联动option数据
中国行政区划矢量图,ESRI Shapefile格式,共四级:国家、省/直辖市、市、区/县。关键字:中国行政区划图;中国地图;中国行政区;中国行政区地图;行政区地图;行政区;行政区划;地图;矢量数据;矢量地理数据;省级;直辖市;市级;区/县级;行政区划图。
Administrative divisions of Iran in json and xml formats - تقسیمات کشوری ایران با فرمت جیسان و ایکس ام ال
Geojson and topojson files for all municipalities, by regions and provinces
Module for Yandex, Google, Leaflet, D3 and other JS Maps with build in ability to display any region of the world. Or even an entire world. Based on OpenStreetMap and other sources
Free open public domain geographic data of Brazil available in multiple languages and formats.
#数据仓库#Slovenija - Register prostorskih enot / Slovenia - Register of Spatial Units (CC-BY 4.0, Geodetska Uprava RS)
Interactive and administrative SVG maps of the UN member states.
Utilities to map between country and region codes and names and to match administrative level names from different sources. Also utilities for foreign exchange enabling obtaining current and historic ...
#数据仓库#Collection of geojson data for Czech Republic
Algeria administrative divisions, wilaya, daira, baladiyah, states, counties and districts
Read OpenStretMap relations with type=boundary as valid MultiPolygon in Rust
KODEWILAYAH merupakan situs pencari nama dan kode wilayah administrasi di Indonesia, dari level provinsi sampai level desa.
Division, District, Subdistrict and Union of Bangladesh in JSON and CSV file for one of my Django Project
Administrative divisions of China for Laravel