⚠️ [Deprecated] No longer maintained. A simple jQuery plugin for picking provinces, cities and districts of China. (中国 / 省市区 / 三级联动 / 地址选择器)
#区块链#Ethlance is the first job market platform built entirely on the Ethereum blockchain. Free to use forever!
中国行政区划矢量图,ESRI Shapefile格式,共四级:国家、省/直辖市、市、区/县。关键字:中国行政区划图;中国地图;中国行政区;中国行政区地图;行政区地图;行政区;行政区划;地图;矢量数据;矢量地理数据;省级;直辖市;市级;区/县级;行政区划图。
Division, District, Upazila and, Union level fully mapped Dataset in SQL, CSV, JSON, XML, and PHP format.
翻译 - 分区,区域,Upazila和联盟级别完全以SQL,CSV,JSON,XML和PHP格式映射了数据集。
#区块链#A peer-to-peer marketplace for the exchange of names registered via the Ethereum Name Service
MemeFactory is a platform for the decentralized creation, issuance, and exchange of provably rare digital collectibles on the Ethereum blockchain.
CoWIN Vaccine availability notifier for India
翻译 - 印度CoWIN疫苗供应量通知程序
Liste des régions , commune , fokontany Madagascar
腾讯位置服务中国标准行政区划数据 SDK
A map that will hold the routes and stops of all the buses and vans in Lebanon. This data is meant to be public and available in order to help users and hopefully later on other developers.