This tool can be used to automate booking slots on Co-WIN Platform.
翻译 - 这个非常基本的脚本可用于在印度的Co-WIN平台上自动执行COVID-19疫苗接种位的预订。
Script to automatically book a vaccine slot on Doctolib in the next seven days.
翻译 - 遵循法国政府的规定,在今天或明天自动在Doctolib上预定疫苗位的脚本。
Script to check the available slots for Covid-19 Vaccination Centers from CoWIN API in India.
翻译 - 通过印度的CoWIN API检查Covid-19疫苗接种中心的可用插槽的脚本
Automated Python Script to retrieve vaccine slots availability and get notified when a slot is available.
翻译 - 自动化的Python脚本可检索疫苗插槽的可用性,并在插槽可用时得到通知。
Get notified on your phone when there is a vaccine slot available at your location, by running a script on your computer. Uses Cowin portal's public API.
翻译 - 通过在计算机上运行脚本,在您所在的位置有可用的疫苗槽时,通过电话获得通知。使用Cowin门户的公共API。
Cross-Platform Software to Fetch the Available Slots & Book the Appointment for COVID-19 Vaccination
翻译 - 控制台应用程序获取可用插槽并预订COVID-19疫苗接种的预约时间表,共同获胜
CoWIN Vaccine availability notifier for India
翻译 - 印度CoWIN疫苗供应量通知程序
Get vaccine availability in India
Checks for Vaccine Availability at your district and notifies you using E-mail, subscribe to our website.
iOS Widget, welches anzeigt ob im lokalen Impfzentrum Vermittlungscodes verfügbar sind. (für die
Get the information about the vaccine centre in India.
Automatically searches for and completes booking of Covid-19 vaccination appointment. New York State only.
Membuat Aplikasi Pendaftaran Vaksin dengan Android Studio
We’re Making it Easier to Locate Vaccination Centers in India
Python script (now a service) to notify the user about the availability of vaccine registration slots in the specified area!
Java software that notifies by voice when a new Vaccine is available in your specified district/pincode
Notifies you through Telegram message about Vaccine vacancy in a particular district if available.
CLI command to continuously check for Vaccine appointments and get notified on WhatsApp/Telegram. You can even create a Telegram channel to notify your friends/relatives