A simple, zero-dependency, pure js/html status page based on GitHub Pages and Actions.
翻译 - 一个基于 GitHub Pages 和 Actions 的简单、零依赖、纯 js/html 状态页面。
The tool to check the availability or syntax of domain, IP or URL.
A modern, zero-dependency uptime monitoring tool & status page based on GitHub Actions & Nuxt Content v2.
CoWIN Vaccine availability notifier for India
翻译 - 印度CoWIN疫苗供应量通知程序
Environment.monitor is the solution for continuous tracking of any environmental components availability over time. Designed to provide single and comprehensive interface for tracking and evaluation ...
pwt ("port wait") is a liveness or readyness probe that waits on the client-side until an upstream tcp port becomes available.
🦕 Module for Availability Monitoring - Sending Notifications via Telegram.
A minimalist SIEM designed to analyse Traefik access logs and check service availability.
CORTX ha (High-Availability) is responsible for ensuring that CORTX Solution is available in case of any hardware component or software service failures. It takes care of failover/ failback control fl...
Covid 19 vaccination slot checker for India. This app will check for the open slots and immediately mail you in case the slot is available.
Python script to check and monitor the connectivity to a specified host.
Tiny (cron) script to check service availability and to send an SMS on state changes.
A Microsoft Windows PowerShell script demonstrating how to automate checking the network availability of a targeted system and sending an email alert if the system is unresponsive.
Stock Availability Checking script deployed at Heroku and sending notifications via E-mail
Cowin Slot Availability Notifier. Provides notification on telegram if slot is available.
A simple program that uses RapidAPI's domain name availability API for checking the availability of domain names.
Sistema de gestión de colas. Análisis y Diseño de sistemas ll UNMDP