Process Hacker 是一款功能强大多用途的安全工具,能帮助您监控系统资源,软件调试,以及检测恶意软件
Libre Hardware Monitor is free software that can monitor the temperature sensors, fan speeds, voltages, load and clock speeds of your computer.
翻译 - Libre硬件监控器,开放式硬件监控器的分支之家
Free system monitor for OSX and macOS. See all system information at a glance in the menu bar.
Unofficial Python system monitor and library for small IPS USB-C displays like Turing Smart Screen or XuanFang
💻 htop-like system-monitor for Windows with Vi-keybindings.
Keep an eye on system resources
Application to read current clocks of ATi Radeon cards (xf86-video-ati, xf86-video-amdgpu)
[WIP] fetch top for gen Z with X written by bubbletea enjoyer
Manage processes and monitor system resources.
Graphical system monitor for linux, including information about CPU, GPU, Memory, HDD/SDD and your network connections. Similar to windows task manager.
翻译 - 用于Linux的图形系统监视器,包括有关CPU,GPU,内存,HDD / SSD和您的网络连接的信息。类似于Windows任务管理器。
A better simple reactive system monitor on macOS for your MacBook pro. Built with Electron.
Simple menubar system monitor for macOS, written in Python with pyobjc.
sysm makes your system play custom sounds when any configured system or external event happens
Simple, lightweight, web-based system monitoring tool for small homeservers running Linux.
Task Manager for Linux for Nvidia graphics cards
Windows 任务管理器重制版 A rebulid version for Windows task manager.
A simple system monitor for WM statusbar
#IOS#measure GPU hardware utilization on iOS Devices
Pachtop - a more modern system monitor 🚀