CoWIN Vaccine availability notifier for India
翻译 - 印度CoWIN疫苗供应量通知程序
Source code for chrome extension Cowin Booking. Auto fills the fields on cowin vaccine slot booking portal to speed up the process and quickly book a slot.
翻译 - Source code for chrome extension Cowin Automation. Auto fills the fields on cowin vaccine slot booking portal to speed up the process and quickly book a slot.
#算法刷题#💉 One Stop Solution for Booking Vaccination Slots available in the CoWIN Portal directly from your Terminal...
CoWIN Vaccination slot booking telegram bot with auto captcha resolver & alerting feature.Now, never miss a slot.
Get Covid vaccine availability - Desktop alerts as well as optional Whatsapp notifications( Twilio setup needed ), whenever a vaccine slot gets available for your pincode as per CoWin site
Automatic booking cowin slots using Python Script
Cowin Platfom Vaccine alerts, Run the app with your preference to get realtime alerts
Python script that runs every 2 minutes and beeps when a vaccine on CoWin website . Download the folder with exe below.
this bot is used to get Cowin slot availability notification via Telegram. Anyone can run the bot to serve as a host for getting notifications for a particular district. Its acts a decentralized syste...
SDK and App for automated booking of CoWin Slots.
Real time CoWIN API extracted from
Cowin Slot monitoring program for Covid Vaccination