This tool can be used to automate booking slots on Co-WIN Platform.
翻译 - 这个非常基本的脚本可用于在印度的Co-WIN平台上自动执行COVID-19疫苗接种位的预订。
Script to automatically book a vaccine slot on Doctolib in the next seven days.
翻译 - 遵循法国政府的规定,在今天或明天自动在Doctolib上预定疫苗位的脚本。
Automatisierte Impfterminbuchung für
翻译 - Automatische Terminbuchung für den Corona Impfterminservice.
네이버 우리동네 백신 예약 자동 시도 매크로
翻译 - Naver My Neighborhood 疫苗预约自动试用宏
Very simple app to decode your Vaccination Proof QR Code (such as the one provided by government of Quebec) - Compatible with SHC (Smart Health Card standard)
Une extension Firefox pour trouver et réserver automatiquement votre créneau de vaccination COVID-19.
翻译 - Une extension Firefox pour trouver et réserver automatiquement votre créneau de vaccination COVID-19.
Generacja danych w
Scriptable green pass / Digital Covid Certificate verifier.
An open source API to validate the EU Covid Certificates / Green Certificates
Source code for chrome extension Cowin Booking. Auto fills the fields on cowin vaccine slot booking portal to speed up the process and quickly book a slot.
翻译 - Source code for chrome extension Cowin Automation. Auto fills the fields on cowin vaccine slot booking portal to speed up the process and quickly book a slot.
A verification library for COVID-19 Vaccine Passes in New Zealand
#计算机科学#An experimental deep learning & genotype network-based system for predicting new influenza protein sequences.
#算法刷题#💉 One Stop Solution for Booking Vaccination Slots available in the CoWIN Portal directly from your Terminal...
💉 코로나 잔여백신 예약 매크로 커스텀 빌드 (속도 향상 버전)
Check for Vaccine availability in a district at specified intervals and sounds a loud alarm when a slot is available.
CoWIN Vaccination slot booking telegram bot with auto captcha resolver & alerting feature.Now, never miss a slot.
A Tracker to Check the availability of vaccine through pincode and buzzer in case of availability
Checks for Vaccine Availability at your district and notifies you using E-mail, subscribe to our website.