Automated Python Script to retrieve vaccine slots availability and get notified when a slot is available.
翻译 - 自动化的Python脚本可检索疫苗插槽的可用性,并在插槽可用时得到通知。
A Python-Django based web application that finds the available vaccine slots in real-time from Govt.'s CoWin website with auto-refresh functionality to capture slots in every time interval and notifie...
It is a CoWin help telegram bot that provides automatic searching of vaccination slots in your region with the help of a clean and easy-to-use interface.
This is a python script that tweets available slots on the Cowin website for 18+ age range. This uses the Cowin Public APIs.
Get Covid vaccine availability - Desktop alerts as well as optional Whatsapp notifications( Twilio setup needed ), whenever a vaccine slot gets available for your pincode as per CoWin site
A Python Script to automate searching of available vaccination centers in the city and hence booking
An easy to use chrome extension to find & notify the available Vaccine slots on CoWin, once they are available in your area.
A simple cross-platform CoWIN tracker
Python script to get notified for vaccine slot availability through email
Uses CoWin API to periodically check for available slots in given centers, if found, gives off a OS Notification.
Cowin app which sends notifications when vaccines are available
CoWiBot is a discord bot built using Node.js for getting upcoming COWIN appointments based on commands.
Discord Notifier for India's CoWIN 18+ and 45+ covid vaccine appointments. Also features a fully automated appointment booking workflow
Get notification for available Cowin slots through Mobile Notification or Desktop Alert
This script automates the tedious process of looking for open slots for multiple districts/pin codes. It filters and shows available slots for a given pincode or district upto 3 days. It is targeted a...
Repository to convert vaccine appointment booking URL from telegram to final step URL of app
A python class that fetches the cowin vaccination slot data based upon pincode, age and for the given number of days.
Cowin Platfom Vaccine alerts, Run the app with your preference to get realtime alerts
Get notified on your phone and computer when there is a vaccine slot available at your location, by running a script on your computer.