#大语言模型#面向所有人的对话式 AI,我们相信我们即将创造一场革命,正如 Stable Diffusion 改变了现代艺术的创作过程, 我们将透过对话式 AI 来改变世界.
Discord 的JavaScript SDK库
A multi-function Discord bot
翻译 - 多功能Discord机器人
An advanced discord music bot, supports Spotify, Soundcloud, YouTube with Shuffling, Volume Control and Web Dashboard with Slash Commands support!
翻译 - 一个高级的 Discord 音乐机器人,支持Spotify,Soundcloud,带有改组功能的YouTube,音量控制和Web仪表板!
#大语言模型#Integrate ChatGPT into your own discord bot
The most powerful Discord selfbot written in GO allowing users to automate their campaigns & send low-cost mass messages to Discord users!
翻译 - 一个用 GO 编写的 selfbot,用于演示违反规则者如何利用请求向 Discord 用户发送垃圾邮件并发起大型未经请求的 DM 广告活动
🤖 EvoBot is a Discord Music Bot built with TypeScript + Discord.js, includes Docker builds & localization in 20+ languages
翻译 - vo EvoBot是使用discord.js构建的Discord Music Bot,并使用discordjs.guide中的命令处理程序
Discord4J is a fast, powerful, unopinionated, reactive library to enable quick and easy development of Discord bots for Java, Kotlin, and other JVM languages using the official Discord Bot API.
翻译 - Discord4J是一个快速,强大,不受质疑的反应式库,可使用官方Discord Bot API轻松快速地为Java,Kotlin和其他JVM语言开发Discord机器人。
The official guide for discord.js, created and maintained by core members of its community.
翻译 - discord.js的官方指南,由其社区的核心成员创建和维护。
A Discord bot that functions as a shared inbox between staff and members, similar to Reddit's Modmail.
翻译 - 功能丰富的不和谐Modmail机器人
A simple powerful Discord music bot built to fulfill your production desires. Easy to use, with no coding required.
The community bot for the Python Discord community
翻译 - Discord机器人的源代码
A .NET library for making bots using the Discord API.
翻译 - 一个使用Discord API制作机器人的C#库。 (.NET框架)
Yet another general purpose discord bot
翻译 - 另一个通用不和谐机器人
Stealer + Clipper + Keylogger
A Python wrapper for the Discord API forked from discord.py
翻译 - Danny 的 discord.py 的维护分支
C++ Discord API Bot Library - D++ is Lightweight and scalable for small and huge bots!
Powering Discord content discovery by making web pages from threads for some of the largest servers, including Valorant, Cloudflare, C#, and Nuxt.