🤖 EvoBot is a Discord Music Bot built with TypeScript + Discord.js, includes Docker builds & localization in 20+ languages
翻译 - vo EvoBot是使用discord.js构建的Discord Music Bot,并使用discordjs.guide中的命令处理程序
A boilerplate example bot with command handler and reloadable commands. Updated and Maintained by the Idiot's Guide Community
A boilerplate / template for discord.js v14 bots with 100% coverage of Discord API, command handler, error handler based on https://discordjs.guide/
DDD+CQRS+Event-sourcing examples using EventFlow following CQRS-ES architecture. It is configured with RabbitMQ, MongoDB(Snapshot store), PostgreSQL(Read store), EventStore(GES). It's targeted to .Net...
翻译 - 使用遵循CQRS-ES架构的EventFlow的DDD + CQRS + Event-sourcing示例。它配置有RabbitMQ,MongoDB(快照存储),PostgreSQL(读存储),EventStore(GES)。它针对.Net Core 2.2,并包含docker compose文件。
Simple, elegant and powerful command handler for the Python Discord library, Hikari.
Commands, Events, Permissions and Cooldowns Handlers for Discord.js v14 bot ~ Made by Nathaniel
SPLITE - Discord Bot with Slash Command Handler and Endpoint Handler, supporting AI, Music, Moderation, and more!
The Ultimate Discord.js Handler Template which handels fast and effectivly Commands and Events. With subfolders!
🚀 The next-gen discord.js framework
A lightweight and easy-to-use CQRS + DDD library
🚀 Command, slash command & event handler - Discord Bot Template (v14)
Ultimate, efficient, easy-to-use and simple-to-setup Command handler for Discord bots. [Beginner Friendly]
Annotation-based multifunctional command handler framework for JDA & Javacord.
This is an Advanced Command Handler that uses classes for commands.
A clean, simple and accessible java implementation of CQS/CQRS, with the Command Bus pattern and hexagonal architecture.
An adorable discord bot fully customizable created in javascript, using Discord.js and mongoDB that is constantly growing !
Discord v13 SlashCommands Handler in replit
Simple and easy to use Discord.js command and event handler, use this template for your next bot!
An advanced handler for Discord.js Bots with TypeScript and JavaScript support.