bot for discord
翻译 - bot for discord
All-in-one, open source and 100% free Discord Bot!
VSCode extension allowing the integration of a Discord chat, bot templates, snippets, themes and more!
Fluffy Discord Bot (Music, Ranking, Reminder, Vk Community bridge,WikiFur) created using JDA
A Discord bot for fun, entertainment and lots of nekos
A powerful multi-purpose discord bot
Proximity Voice Chat on Minecraft using Discord
Annotation-based multifunctional command handler framework for JDA & Javacord.
A fully Customizable discord bot
SkyBot is an LGBT-friendly discord bot with music and mod commands written in JDA
Server bot for the RiiConnect24 Discord server that can store Wii friend codes to be added. |
Discord administration bot
Thunder the legendary bot that now come out reborn!
Astolfo is a powerful Minecraft client designed for PvP and HvH with robust script support. It supports versions 1.8.9 up to 1.19 (ViaVersion) and is installed via a launcher.
A Discord Bot that give you information automatically about your friends with Riot API
Discord all-purpose bot template, made using Spring Boot, JPA, Hibernate, REST, HikariCP and JDA.
A Discord bot levelling system. Being remade as dislevels.