封装 Discord API 的 Python库
A Discord music bot written in Python with support for Youtube, SoundCloud, Spotify, Bandcamp, Twitter, and custom files.
VSCode extension allowing the integration of a Discord chat, bot templates, snippets, themes and more!
A Discord BOT to play music from Youtube, Spotify and Deezer
An easy-to-use extension for Discord.py and Pycord
Der Source Code meines Discord Bot Tutorials
A library to implement a leveling system into a discord bot. Contains features such as XP, level, ranks, and role awards.
Go Build Apps - without worrying about speed, reliability, or simplicity.
A repository with JavaScript and Python versions of the same type of discord commands.
A properly typehinted lavalink client for discord.py, nextcord, disnake and py-cord.
A Discord Ticket Bot with Select Menu using Pycord
Hot-reloading for discord.py-based command files.
A library with leveling cards for your discord bot.
A unique Discord bot for easy server organization and moderation
Automatic advertisements / shilling for Discord. GUI / Console, Multi-Accounts & More!
pycord - A discord api wrapper written in python!
Track and stay updated on your favorite mangas, manhwas, and doujins with instant chapter notifications!