封装 Discord API 的 Python库
A Discord music bot written in Python with support for Youtube, SoundCloud, Spotify, Bandcamp, Twitter, and custom files.
An easy-to-use extension for Discord.py and Pycord
Der Source Code meines Discord Bot Tutorials
A discord bot which u can use to generate accounts, u can add stock etc.
A repository with JavaScript and Python versions of the same type of discord commands.
A properly typehinted lavalink client for discord.py, nextcord, disnake and py-cord.
An Open Source Account Generator Bot!
A Economy Bot made using discord module of python
Python Discord Bot(py-cord版) 基礎骨架 想寫 discord-py bot 而沒有好的模板嗎?! 他就是你的最佳選擇.... ( 算了我掰不下去了 :L )
An open-source discord that will eventually do everything a discord bot needs to do.
A discord bot to clone public/private google drive links to your personal teamdrive or google drive. Additionally it offers commands to generate service accounts, and with proper tutorials. NOTE: IT I...
#大语言模型#A Discord bot that generates FULL powerpoints about a given subject thanks to openai's gpt3
A Discord Bot That Trascends Normality
A multi-purpose dead discord bot that i keep saying imma rewrite but don't
#大语言模型#DiscordNPC lets you interact with ChatGPT through a Discord voice channel, enabling a natural conversation.
Manual for working with discord-py / py-cord python libraries and answers to FAQ
CRUD database for python discord bot developers that stores data on discord text channels
Sanya-nya is a cool Discord music bot on python. It plays music from YouTube and works both on slash and prefixed commands.