A statically typed lisp, without a GC, for real-time applications.
Dead simple Javascript animated typing, with no dependencies.
A lightweight UI framework based on tkinter with all UI drawn in Canvas!
Fully typed LMDB wrappers with minimum overhead 🐦
⚙️ config and manage typed extra settings using just the django admin.
👁🗨 Strongly typed CLI development for Node.js
Typed.js integration for vue.js. Create a typing animation.
Provide a defineConfig function for .eslintrc.js files
Fast, easy Javascript finite state machines with visualizations; enjoy a one liner FSM instead of pages. MIT; Typescripted; 100% test coverage. Implements the FSL language.
Immutable and structurally typed data
Renders your (JSON) resume/CV for online & pretty terminal display
A minimal Python library to facilitate the creation and manipulation of DICOM RTStructs.
Generate and maintain stubs for different MicroPython ports to use with VSCode and Pylance, PyRight, Thonny, PyCharm or MyPy
typed and compiled template engine inspired by jinja2, twig and onionhammer/nim-templates for Nim.
【+v:skipper_yqj】点个 Star,手有余香, Swagger or YAPI to TypeScript services and models
⛳️ Typed command-line arguments parser for Node.js
COBOL-like programming language that compiles to C++. With serious dinosaurs with neckties and briefcases 🦕💼