Windows exploits, mostly precompiled. Not being updated. Check instead.
Constrained Delaunay Triangulation (C++)
The Felix Programming Language
The server control plane for Pterodactyl Panel. Written from the ground-up with security, speed, and stability in mind.
EEGLAB is an open source signal processing environment for electrophysiological signals running on Matlab and developed at the SCCN/UCSD
A build-time information stored in your rust project.(binary,lib,cdylib,dylib,wasm)
Pretty simple Discord bot to get the active developer badge
A library that provides regular expression patterns. If you hate to write regular expressions, then expynent can help you.
typed and compiled template engine inspired by jinja2, twig and onionhammer/nim-templates for Nim.
COBOL-like programming language that compiles to C++. With serious dinosaurs with neckties and briefcases 🦕💼
Logisim Italian Fork
#安全#The next level 100% Python obfuscator.
Alternative StdLib for Nim for Python targets, hijacks Python StdLib for Nim
[NW.js port for Raspberry Pi] binary compiled for the ARMv6 used in Raspberry Pi (compatible with RPi 2 and RPi 3)
A Python3 tool allowing you to obfuscate your script and camouflate the obfuscation.
The Som functional programming language