Convert images to computer generated art using delaunay triangulation.
翻译 - 使用delaunay三角剖分将图像转换为计算机生成的图稿。
Constrained Delaunay Triangulation (C++)
2D/3D simplicial mesh generator interface for Python (Triangle, TetGen, gmsh)
CGA 3D 计算几何算法库 | 3D Compute Geometry Algorithm Library webgl three.js babylon.js等任何库都可以使用
Header only, single file, simple and efficient C++11 library to compute the signed distance function (SDF) to a triangle mesh
Smooth subdivision surface modifier for use with three.js BufferGeometry.
🥪 Examples of how to use CrossWindow for things like rendering graphics, listening to events, etc.
Triangle rasterization routines accelerated by SSE and AVX
Dynamically generate beautiful triangle background patterns using delaunay triangulation
Fast and robust triangle-triangle intersection test with high precision for cross and coplanar triangles based on the algorithm by Devillers & Guigue.
Go wrapper for Triangle: Constrained Delaunay Triangulation and Voronoi Tesselation
a collection of image processing programs i find interesting with examples on how to use them in the terminal
Antialiased primitives library for GameMaker Studio 2023.1
Desktop application for Triangle.
Library for using a AD9833 Programmable Waveform Generator hardware by Analog Devices.
A Typescript library for multidimensional convex hulling and Delaunay triangulations.