A modern cross-platform low-level graphics library and rendering framework
翻译 - 现代的跨平台低级图形库和渲染框架
Improved version of the X-Ray Engine, the game engine used in the world-famous S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game series by GSC Game World. Join OpenXRay! ;)
翻译 - X射线引擎的改进版本–世界著名的S.T.A.L.K.E.R.使用的游戏引擎GSC Game World的游戏系列。
现代DX11系列教程:使用Windows SDK(C++)开发Direct3D 11.x
C++ 3D Game Tutorial Series (DirectX) - Learn to code a DirectX 3D Game in C++ from scratch
Skylicht Engine is C++ Game Engine based on Irrlicht 3D. And my goal is to create a high-performance and lightweight Game Framework that can seamlessly function on both web and mobile platforms. This ...
A modern cross-platform low-level graphics API
Next generation modding platform for Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII ( with native Steam 2013 release support! )
Sample projects demonstrating the usage of Diligent Engine
High Performance off-screen rendering (OSR) demo using CEF
Skinnable GUI with useful widget collection. Fork of GWEN.
DirectX 11/12 hook including a simple overlay framework
Cross-platform modern game engine.
Barebones D3D11 hook.
#编辑器#DirectX 11 graphics engine
D3D11 Overlay with ImGui (x86 / x64) - EXE / DLL DirectX 11 Overlay
CS2游戏助手 - ESP外部注入
Unfinished, experimental d3d11.dll wrapper for intercepting DirectX 11 function calls.