C/C++ Performance Profiler
翻译 - C / C ++性能分析器
Scans a given process. Recognizes and dumps a variety of potentially malicious implants (replaced/injected PEs, shellcodes, hooks, in-memory patches).
翻译 - 扫描给定的进程。识别并转储各种潜在的恶意植入物(替换/注入的PE,shellcode,hook,内存中的修补程序)。
#安卓#Awesome Frida - A curated list of Frida resources http://www.frida.re/ (https://github.com/frida/frida)
Plugins to make or improve widescreen resolutions support in games, add more features and fix bugs.
翻译 - 旧游戏的宽屏修复
#安卓#Hand-crafted Frida examples
proof-of-concept Windows Driver for injecting DLL into user-mode processes using APC
翻译 - 使用APC将DLL注入用户模式进程的概念验证Windows驱动程序
#安卓#Dynamic java method hook framework on ART. Allowing you to change almost all java methods' behavior dynamically.
#安卓#[Official] Android reverse engineering tool focused on dynamic instrumentation automation leveraging Frida. It disassembles dex, analyzes it statically, generates hooks, discovers reflected methods, s...
翻译 - [官方] Android逆向工程专注于动态仪表自动化。由弗里达提供动力。它拆卸DEX,静态分析它,生成挂钩,发现反射方法,存储截获数据,并从中获取新事物。它的目的是成为一体化的Android逆向工程平台。
#IOS#A tool that helps you easy trace classes, functions, and modify the return values of methods on iOS platform
#安卓#A tool that helps you work with frida easily for Android platform
Anti-cheat library for Windows C++
SDK providing app protection and threat monitoring for mobile devices. Works with Flutter, React Native, Android and iOS. Shield your app with free RASP. Detect reverse engineering, root (Magisk), jai...
Human-friendly cross-platform system call tracing and hooking library based on Frida's Stalker