BetterDisplay 可用于在 Mac 创建虚拟高分辨率显示器然后以屏幕镜像形式输出到物理低分辨率显示器
Plugins to make or improve widescreen resolutions support in games, add more features and fix bugs.
翻译 - 旧游戏的宽屏修复
Application-based actions to change Windows settings ( display, audio) or run any program or action
pytorch implementation for Photo-Realistic Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Generative Adversarial Network arXiv:1609.04802
A simple and complete implementation of super-resolution paper.
Resolution switcher adds the ability to select the video quality in video.js player.
TensorFlow implementation of 'Enhanced Deep Residual Networks for Single Image Super-Resolution'.
#区块链#A library to resolve blockchain domain names.
#IOS#📱AutoLayout can be set differently for each device
#网络爬虫#API to get enormous amount of high resolution satellite images from quickly through multi-threading! create map your own map dataset. Bringing data to Humans.
A fast SAT solver
Tensorflow implementation of 'Accelerating the Super-Resolution Convolutional Neural Network'.
QuickChangeResolution is a small utility that allows you to quickly change the display resolution.
Lightweight OpenVR app to dynamically adjust your HMD's resolution depending on your GPU frametime, CPU frametime and VRAM.
#计算机科学#Super Resolution of picture images using deep learning