🖥 Control your display's brightness & volume on your Mac as if it was a native Apple Display. Use Apple Keyboard keys or custom shortcuts. Shows the native macOS OSDs.
翻译 - 🖥 在 Mac 上控制外接显示器的亮度和音量
BetterDisplay 可用于在 Mac 创建虚拟高分辨率显示器然后以屏幕镜像形式输出到物理低分辨率显示器
Intelligent adaptive brightness for your external monitors
Turn a $30 USB switch into a full-featured multi-monitor KVM switch
翻译 - 将30美元的USB交换机变成功能齐全的多显示器KVM交换机
DDC monitor controls (brightness) for Mac OSX command line
翻译 - Mac OSX命令行的DDC监视器控件(亮度)
macOS display brightness utility for external monitors with a native UI.
BAC0 - Library depending on BACpypes3 (Python 3) to build automation script for BACnet applications
Windows implementation of the ddcutil Linux program for querying and changing monitor settings, such as brightness and color levels.
Matlab package for learning to specify, compute, and estimate dynamic discrete choice models
Gyselalib++ is a collection of C++ components for writing gyrokinetic semi-lagrangian codes and similar
#博客#This script is to create a folder structure based on DDC (Dewey Decimal Classification)
Provide Windows Monitor Configuration for .NET applications
Classifying Forged vs Authentic using Domain Adaptation across in new domains in unsupervised settings