A self-paced course to learn Rust, one exercise at a time.
Learn the Zig programming language by fixing tiny broken programs.
翻译 - 通过修复损坏的微型程序来学习Zig编程语言。
#面试#A series of ReactJS coding challenges with a variety of difficulties.
翻译 - 建议用于面试的简短编码挑战集合
Learn Python Regular Expressions step by step from beginner to advanced levels
翻译 - 从入门到高级逐步学习Python正则表达式
#学习与技能提升#Learn WebAssembly by writing small programs!
SQL data analysis & visualization projects using MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Tableau, Apache Spark and pySpark.
vAPI is Vulnerable Adversely Programmed Interface which is Self-Hostable API that mimics OWASP API Top 10 scenarios through Exercises.
翻译 - vAPI 是易受攻击的不利编程接口,它是一种自我托管的 API,它以练习的方式模仿 OWASP API 前 10 名场景。
#计算机科学#Small scale machine learning projects to understand the core concepts . Give a Star 🌟If it helps you. BONUS: Interview Bank coming up..!
翻译 - 小型机器学习项目了解核心概念
Example based guide to mastering GNU awk
翻译 - 基于示例的精通GNU awk的指南
Learn System Design step by step
Practice working with promises through a curated collection of interactive challenges. This repository provides a platform to refine your skills, complete with automated tests to to give you instant f...
#学习与技能提升#Learn you how to write your first bash script
Terminal User Interface (TUI) apps
#学习与技能提升#Mais de 100 exercícios resolvidos do curso de fundamentos de Python 3, ministrado pelo prof. Gustavo Guanabara do Curso em Vídeo.
Open Public Domain Exercise Dataset in JSON format, over 800 exercises with a browsable public searchable frontend
#学习与技能提升#Artemis - Interactive Learning with Automated Feedback