#学习与技能提升#Learn WebAssembly by writing small programs!
WebAssembly implementation from scratch in Safe Rust with zero dependencies
Creative coding and other mischief in handwritten WebAssembly, using the WebAssembly .wat text format.
A Bare-Metal Intel 8086 Emulator Written in Raw WebAssembly.
VSCode extension for autocomplete when writing WebAssembly Text (.wat) files
Audio Signal Processing by WebAssembly (WAT: WebAssembly Text format and C++ with Emscripten)
WebAssembly in Python.
🟪 Simple shortcut to convert .wat files to .wasm files on your system using node.js
This repository has moved to "pluck".
Major mode for webassembly wat/wast buffers using tree-sitter
Pure webAssembly graphics demo in the WAT format. Like actually written in Web Assembly syntax.
The minimum necessary to compile wat to wasm in a browser.
A random string generator of nonsense. Like /dev/urandom but basically better.
A minimum WAT of a WASM Component printing `Hello, world!` via `wasi:cli/run` of WASI Preview 2