Embeddable Linux Kernel Subset - Linux for 8086
翻译 - Embeddable Linux Kernel Subset
A list of 8086 assembly projects solutions for Microprocessors course (CC421N) at Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University.
A Bare-Metal Intel 8086 Emulator Written in Raw WebAssembly.
[ECE NTUA] Microprocessors Laboratory - Exercise Sets & Solutions (2020-2021)
👾 Generate code for sprites, for your game in 8086 assembly
🖥️ Interesting solved problems demonstrating the concepts of Bit Manipulation and Subroutines (Functions) in 8086 Assembly Language.
This repository contains the implementation of a two pass assembler involving tries for fast in-memory opcode fetch and has implementation of loader and linkers for linking the object file created to ...
Contains solutions of Architecture lab CS321/CS322 (IIT Patna) assignments using Verilog,etc.
Code for BSc. (Hons.) Computer Science, University of Delhi.
This repository provides a framework and libraries for developing user interfaces using VGA text mode (80x25) with the 8086 microprocessor, implemented in 8086 assembly language.
MASM 8086 microprocessor programs
This is my Proteus projects for the 8086 Microprocessor Systems course.
Solutions for a series of microprocessor labs using the 8086/8088 processor, STM32 microcontroller, and ARM Cortex-M4 architecture
an ATM machine system simulation using assembly language
Code written in Assembly Language to check whether the given string is palindrome or not
Contain some basic 8086 assembly program.
❌⭕ Tic Tac Toe game implemented in low level c and ASSEMBLY 8086 languages
BLM3031 Mikroişlemci Sistemleri dersi labaratuvar uygulamaları