Open and inexpensive DIY IP-KVM based on Raspberry Pi
翻译 - 基于Raspberry Pi的开放式廉价DIY IP-KVM
ESP32 Display Controller (VGA, PAL/NTSC Color Composite, SSD1306, ST7789, ILI9341), PS/2 Mouse and Keyboard Controller, Graphics Library, Sound Engine, Game Engine and ANSI/VT Terminal
翻译 - 显示控制器(VGA,SSD1306),PS / 2鼠标和键盘控制器,图形库,声音引擎,游戏引擎和ESP32的ANSI / VT终端
720p FPGA Media Player (RISC-V + Motion JPEG + SD + HDMI on an Artix 7)
翻译 - FPGA媒体播放器
Cheap and high performance hardware based on CM4 for pikvm or tinypilot
A ZX spectrum 48K, 128K and Pentagon 128 emulator running on the Espressif ESP32 SoC
A big ol' pile of bitmap fonts in raw binary format, for use w/Fontraption font editor (and anywhere else)
The HBC-56 (65C02/TMS9918A/AY-3-8910 retro computer) fully emulated on a Raspberry Pi Pico
A manual for helping using tesla p40 gpu
A 16-bit RISC CPU with 32 instructions built with Digital for running on an FPGA.
Convert video from a Mac Plus/SE/Classic to a VESA VGA signal using a Raspberry Pi Pico
A tiny but powerful VGA text mode font editor for DOS
DE1SOC DE10-NANO DE10-Standard OpenCL hardware that support VGA and desktop. And Some applications such as usb camera YUYV to RGB , Sobel and so on.
QNICE-FPGA is a 16-bit computer system for recreational programming built as a fully-fledged System-on-a-Chip in portable VHDL.
VGA library for STM32F103C (BluePill) that can manipulate a screen with 28x30 tiles with 8x8 pixels each, in a total resolution of 224x240 pixels with 8 colors using a very low footprint