STM32 HAL library for GY-521 (MPU6050) with Kalman filter
Program STM32Fxx MCUs Over-the-Air using ESP32
翻译 - 使用ESP32无线编程STM32Fxx MCU
UMK4x4 - 4-16 in/out and 3-15 IN/3OUT USB MIDI interface for STM32F103 series board
STM32 HAL library for SIM800 release MQTT client over AT command
A collection of small example projects tailored for the Blue Pill board created in STM32CubeIDE. No further updates.
A custom-built CHIP-8 hand-held gaming console powered by a STM32 microcontroller.
A tiny external monitor for PC using STM32 and ST7789. Connects to PC over USB and displays the captured screen on ST7789 (240x240) display.
Rust for STM32 Blue Pill with Visual Studio Code
STM32 HAL library for GPS module NEO-6M
VGA library for STM32F103C (BluePill) that can manipulate a screen with 28x30 tiles with 8x8 pixels each, in a total resolution of 224x240 pixels with 8 colors using a very low footprint
VGA demo on bluepill (using STM32F103 microcontroller)
A HID driverless bootloader and flash tool companion for the STM32F1 line
Lightweight communicating state machine framework for embedded systems