Actor-based state management & orchestration for complex app logic.
翻译 - 现代网络的状态机和状态图。
The de-facto solution to flexible routing with nested views in AngularJS
翻译 - 事实证明,AngularJS中具有嵌套视图的灵活路由解决方案
A lightweight, object-oriented finite state machine implementation in Python with many extensions
翻译 - Python中的轻量级,面向对象的有限状态机实现
AASM - State machines for Ruby classes (plain Ruby, ActiveRecord, Mongoid, NoBrainer, Dynamoid)
翻译 - AASM-Ruby类的状态机(普通Ruby,ActiveRecord,Mongoid,NoBrainer)
一个 C++ 行为树(Behavior Tree)库,应用于机器人控制、游戏AI,或者取代有限状态机。
The P programming language.
#编辑器#A library to display an interactive editor for any graph-like data.
翻译 - 一个库,用于显示任何类似图形的数据的交互式编辑器。
The <1 kb state machine hook for React
Django friendly finite state machine support
📢 Laudspeaker is an Open Source Customer Engagement and Product Onboarding Platform. Open Source alternative to Braze / One Signal / Customer Io / Appcues / Pendo . Use Laudspeaker to design produc...
squirrel-foundation is a State Machine library, which provided a lightweight, easy use, type safe and programmable state machine implementation for Java.
Ruby finite-state-machine-inspired API for modeling workflow
Build applications that make decisions (chatbots, agents, simulations, etc...). Monitor, trace, persist, and execute on your own infrastructure.
#编辑器#Highly performant and modular controls for node-based editors designed for data-binding and MVVM.
📠 React custom hook for persist state management
A simple yet powerful class-based hierarchical finite state machine for Unity
#安卓#A Swift and Kotlin library for making composable state machines, and UIs driven by those state machines.