AASM - State machines for Ruby classes (plain Ruby, ActiveRecord, Mongoid, NoBrainer, Dynamoid)
翻译 - AASM-Ruby类的状态机(普通Ruby,ActiveRecord,Mongoid,NoBrainer)
Enumerated attributes with I18n and ActiveRecord/Mongoid support
翻译 - 具有I18n和ActiveRecord / Mongoid支持的枚举属性
Simple (and safe*) token authentication for Rails apps or API with Devise.
#安全#Modern encryption for Ruby and Rails
翻译 - Rails的现代加密
Gem to create tables grids with sortable columns and filters
翻译 - 宝石来创建具有可排序列和过滤器的表格网格
This project has moved to GitLab! Please check there for the latest updates.
翻译 - 自2010年以来生成Ruby对象实例
A security extension for devise, meeting industry-standard security demands for web applications.
翻译 - 用于设计的安全扩展,可以满足Web应用程序的工业标准安全要求。
AlgoliaSearch integration to your favorite ORM
Pomodoro Technique® online time tracker
#安全#Ruby's missing background and batch processing system
GraphQL interface on top devise_token_auth
Add group and membership functionality to your Rails models
Override id field to MySQL like auto increment for Mongoid.
MongoSessionStore is a Rails-compatible session store for MongoDB using either Mongoid or the MongoDB Ruby Driver. It also allows for custom Mongo session store that works with any (or no!) Mongo ODM
🌿 Improves eager loading support for Mongoid
使用 AjaxUpload 和 Carrierwave 在 Rails && Mongoid 中批量上传图片