MySQL/MariaDB database management for macOS
Pagination library for Rails and other Ruby applications
翻译 - Rails,Sinatra,Merb,DataMapper等的分页库
Pluggable Ruby translation framework
This project has moved to GitLab! Please check there for the latest updates.
翻译 - 自2010年以来生成Ruby对象实例
AlgoliaSearch integration to your favorite ORM
Declaratively filter data via URL params, in any Rack app, with any ORM.
Allows Sequel to reuse Active Record's database connection
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (Incomplete, Unreleased) (Infocom)
Stationfall, by Steve Meretzky (Infocom)
The Sequel extension adds the Sequel::Dataset#combine method, which returns object from database composed with childrens, parents or any object where exists any relationship. Now it is possible in one...
Password attribute and associations for Rodauth account model
Golang Sequel ORM that supports Enum, JSON, Spatial, and many more
Copy selected rows as Markdown. It's so easy to paste in GitHub issue.
MySQL GUI client for Ubuntu inspired by Sequel Pro
cards against humanity, integrated into discord