Controller action arguments parameterizer for Rails 4+ & Ruby 2.0+
Declaratively filter data via URL params, in any Rack app, with any ORM.
Cast and validate external data and request parameters for Elixir and Phoenix
Pass parameters safely and quickly between activities or fragments.
Expose mongoose query API through HTTP request.
A lightweight fetching library packed with essential features - retries, interceptors, request deduplication and much more, all while still retaining a similar API surface with regular Fetch.
Request parameters validations, type coercion and filtering for Rails params
Simple params renaming for Rails applications
A PHP implementation of URLSearchParams for handling query parameters easily.
Access the query parameters of a URI, just like $_GET in PHP.
A lightweight module to construct and parse query parameters of URLs. A set of functions for working with url. Easy to add parameters to url, easy to extract parameters from url. You can also get path...
"Yazılım Geliştirici Yetiştirme Kampı" ders ve ödev kodları/notları ( - Eğitmen: Engin Demiroğ)
An extending C standard library with more modern approaches
#前端开发#change CSS var via URL param with this 77 line library called varam