#安卓#AndroidUtilCode 🔥 是一个强大易用的安卓工具类库,它合理地封装了安卓开发中常用的函数,具有完善的 Demo 和单元测试
[DEPRECATED] A powerful library that manage Fragment for Android
翻译 - [已弃用]一个功能强大的库,用于管理Android的Fragment
#安卓#A GUI Panel providing Worker subscriptions for VLESS, Trojan and Warp configs alongside chain proxies, offering full DNS, clean IP, Fragment, Warp, Warp pro and routing settings for cross-platform cl...
#安卓#💥A powerful library powered by AOP to manage Fragments.(一个基于AOP设计的Fragment管理框架)
Android 程序员需要掌握的技术栈:数据结构算法、程序架构、设计模式、性能优化、Kotlin、NDK、Jetpack,以及常用的开源框架源码分析如 Flutter、Router、RxJava、Glide、LeakCanary、Dagger2、Retrofit、OkHttp、ButterKnife 等
#安卓#An Android library for managing multiple stacks of fragments
#安卓#Implementation of the fragment with the ability to display indeterminate progress indicator when you are waiting for the initial data.
#安卓#Add some Depth to your fragments
A library managing navigation, nested Fragment, StatusBar, Toolbar for Android
#安卓#⚡ Kotlin Coroutines binding APIs for Android UI widgets from the platform and support libraries
#安卓#Composition over inheritance for Android components like Activity or Fragment
#安卓#Android fragment stack controller
GraphQL fragments made simple ⚡️
Simple API implement DataBinding and ViewBinding. 简单的 API 实现 DataBinding 和 ViewBinding,欢迎 star
类似微信,网易新闻 延迟加载Fragment基类 , 支持与ViewPager组合刷新全部Fragment
#安卓#Android library for Date and Time Picker in same dialog