#安卓#AndroidUtilCode 🔥 是一个强大易用的安卓工具类库,它合理地封装了安卓开发中常用的函数,具有完善的 Demo 和单元测试
A robust HTML entity encoder/decoder written in JavaScript.
#编辑器#🔥🔥🔥自定义Android相机(仿抖音 TikTok),其中功能包括视频人脸识别贴纸,美颜,分段录制,视频裁剪,视频帧处理,获取视频关键帧,视频旋转,添加滤镜,添加水印,合成Gif到视频,文字转视频,图片转视频,音视频合成,音频变声处理,SoundTouch,Fmod音频处理。 Android camera(imitation Tik Tok), which includes video e...
[Skype Silk Codec SDK]Decode silk v3 audio files (like wechat amr, aud files, qq slk files) and convert to other format (like mp3). Batch conversion support.
翻译 - [Skype Silk Codec SDK]解码Silk v3音频文件(如微信amr,aud文件,qq slk文件)并转换为其他格式(如mp3)。批量转换支持。
📘 dict subclass with keylist/keypath support, built-in I/O operations (base64, csv, html, ini, json, pickle, plist, query-string, toml, xls, xml, yaml), s3 support and many utilities.
Captfencoder is opensource a rapid cross platform network security tool suite, providing network security related code conversion, classical cryptography, cryptography, asymmetric encryption, miscella...
The Video Creation Engine: Edit videos with code, featuring the fastest WebCodecs renderer for in-browser video processing.
🐍 A hyper-fast Python module for reading/writing JSON data using Rust's serde-json.
#安全#:man_technologist: Simple and effective Obfuscator PHP class (this is not a stupid base64 encoding script, but a real and effective obfuscation script)
XML without worries
#安全#The next level 100% Python obfuscator.