#安卓#开源的 Material Design 豆瓣客户端(A Material Design app for douban.com)
Awesome douban DEMO created with Vue2.x + Vuex + Vue-router + Superagent
翻译 - 使用Vue2.x + Vuex + Vue-router + Superagent创建的超赞豆瓣DEMO
Socialite is an OAuth2 Authentication tool. It is inspired by laravel/socialite, you can easily use it without Laravel.
📚 PaperPlane - An Android reading app, including articles from Zhihu Daily, Guokr Handpick and Douban Moment.
WeChat mini program examples. 微信小程序示例
🐛 一个爬虫程序,整理了腾讯视频、爱奇艺、优酷、哔哩哔哩等视频网站中,能够观看的「豆瓣电影 Top250 榜单」影片。
💿 a Hexo plugin that helps you generate content for Douban books, movies, music, and games.
🌺 Douban.FM Client With Extra - - - 一个简洁的豆瓣FM客户端。