#安全#:man_technologist: Simple and effective Obfuscator PHP class (this is not a stupid base64 encoding script, but a real and effective obfuscation script)
Jar Obfuscator V2 - 一个 JAR 文件保护混淆工具,支持包名/类名/方法名/字段名/参数名引用分析和重命名混淆方式,支持字符串加密/整型异或混淆/垃圾代码花指令混淆/等方式,支持方法和字段的隐藏,支持 SpringBoot 和 war 包,配置简单,文档教程齐全,容易上手
一个 CLASS 文件混淆工具,支持方法名/字段名/参数名引用分析和重命名混淆方式,支持字符串提取/AES加密运行时解密/整型异或混淆/垃圾代码花指令混淆/等方式,支持方法和字段的隐藏,支持INVOKE指令改反射调用,配置简单,容易上手
PHP Obfuscator is a command-line tool build with Python to obfuscate PHP source code files.
This is a tool to obfuscate / to make your python code unreadable. It obfuscates your code and prevents easy access of others to your code.
PyDelta is a Python script designed to obfuscate Python source code, making it more difficult to understand and reverse-engineer.
A free and efficient obfuscator for JavaScript. Make your code harder to copy and prevent people from stealing your work.
Simple PowerShell Script Code Obfuscator written in Python
Dynamic code Obfuscator
Python obfuscator & anti-debugging protector
Command line tool for automatic modification of IEC 61131–3 ST scripts in order to obfuscate the PLC memory layout.
This repository provides a tool to obfuscate source code, making it harder to understand and reverse-engineer. Code Obfuscator helps protect intellectual property by transforming readable code into a ...
This repository provides a tool to obfuscate source code, making it harder to understand and reverse-engineer. Code Obfuscator helps protect intellectual property by transforming readable code into a ...