🍅 Simple and visually-pleasing Pomodoro timer
翻译 - :tomato:简单且令人愉悦的番茄钟
A time management utility for GNOME based on the pomodoro technique!
Pomodoro Logger 🕤 -- When a time tracker meets Pomodoro and Kanban board
⏱️ Work/Rest Timer. Stricter. Prettier. More features. Win/Mac/Linux. The 6th anniversary!
翻译 - ⏱️这是计算机的时间管理工具。现在就和wnr一起工作和休息。
simple command line pomodoro app with visualization of statistics
Minimalistic desktop timer app for Pomodoro Technique users
Wisdom Tree is a TUI concentration app, with features like pomodoro timer, YouTube music player, Lo-fi radio.
Pomodoro Technique® online time tracker
A pomodoro web app with PIP mode, white noise generation, tasks and more!
🍅 A good old cli based Pomodoro timer with native notifications
#IOS#🍅Pomosh is your next awesome Pomodoro Technique assistant on macOS. Lives right in your menubar. It's native and lightweight. Uses SwiftUI. has a nice tomato icon and also ready for 📱iOS and ⌚️ Wat...
A Geeky Timer for Terminal Enthusiasts
Flowkeeper desktop application
TwentyFive is an HTML5 time tracking web app focused on speed and simplicity that encourages you to follow the Pomodoro Technique.
Pomodoro for Garmin devices using Connect IQ
Open Source macOS pomodoro app. Pomodoro Cycle