🍅 Simple and visually-pleasing Pomodoro timer
翻译 - :tomato:简单且令人愉悦的番茄钟
⚙️ All-in-One menu bar app, hide 💻MacBook Pro's notch, dark mode, AirPods, Shortcuts
A time management utility for GNOME based on the pomodoro technique!
A productivity app that combines pomodoro timers and flow techniques to boost focus and efficiency.
Pomodoro Logger 🕤 -- When a time tracker meets Pomodoro and Kanban board
arttime is a CLI application that blends beauty of ASCII / text art with functionality of clock / timer / pattern-based time manager in terminal ⏰
🍅 A pomodoro app for your menubar/tray.
🍅 pydoro - Terminal Pomodoro Timer
翻译 - 🍅计时器番茄码头
Minimalistic desktop timer app for Pomodoro Technique users
Tomato Clock is a straightforward command-line Pomodoro application. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomodoro_Technique
A fully featured productivity timer for the command line, based on the Pomodoro Technique. Supports Linux, Windows, and macOS.
A command-line Pomodoro tracker which uses the Open Pomodoro Format
Wisdom Tree is a TUI concentration app, with features like pomodoro timer, YouTube music player, Lo-fi radio.
Modern and customizable productivity timer app that runs in your browser.
A pomodoro web app with PIP mode, white noise generation, tasks and more!
Pomidor is a simple and cool pomodoro technique timer.
🍅 Integrate gnome-pomodoro into i3
A Pomodoro timer written in Gtk3 and Python for Linux desktops.
🍅 A good old cli based Pomodoro timer with native notifications