Just the right amount of Rails eager loading
翻译 - 适量的Rails渴望加载
Active Record, Django-like queries, nested eager load and beauty __repr__ for SQLAlchemy
Lazy loading associations for the ActiveRecord models
翻译 - ActiveRecord模型的延迟加载关联
Allow you to pluck attributes from nested associations without loading a bunch of records.
Eager load pivot relations for Laravel Eloquent's BelongsToMany relation.
🌿 Improves eager loading support for Mongoid
DEPRECATED Allows you to eager load elements from auto-injected Entry elements on demand from your templates.
Eager load Eloquent's relations with request parameters
ActiveRecord behavior, which provides relation eager loading by join without extra query
🟣 C# e .NET Core 3.1
🔵 PHP e Laravel 9
TypeORM Eager Loader is a package that provides a simple way to optimize database queries by eagerly loading data based on defined relations
linq2db.include adds Entity Framework style Include (eager loading) to linq2db
SqlAlchemy N+1 Loader: a solution to the N+1 problem