Active Record, Django-like queries, nested eager load and beauty __repr__ for SQLAlchemy
Allow you to pluck attributes from nested associations without loading a bunch of records.
Connection-Pooling Compile-Time ORM for Nim
A more efficient way to get data from database. Like #pluck method but return array of hashes instead.
Cleaner syntax for writing OR Query in Rails 5, 6. And also add #or support to Rails 3 and 4.
Rails gem to manage tags with PostgreSQL array columns.
Provides a simple way to find records in the same order of input array. Has better performance than manually sorting. (Support both PostgreSQL and MySQL)
An ActiveRecord extension for writing commonly useful atomic SQL statements to avoid race condition.
A cache-based python ORM -- supports Redis/Memcached/InMemory/FileSystem backends, and JSON/Msgpack/Pickle/Protobuf serializers.
Aplicação backend desenvolvida em typescript com nodejs ultilizando os princípios do SOLID. Sendo execultada dentro de containers docker e ultilizando banco de dados Msql.
A simple ORM in PHP.
Backport in_batches from Rails 5 for Rails 3 and 4.
Utilize CQRS approach with Dapper in easy and testable way.
A lightweight and asynchronous ActiveRecord-style wrapper for SQLAlchemy. Bring Django-like queries, automatic timestamps, nested eager loading, and dictionary serialization for SQLAlchemy models.
I am able to form your "Sql-Based Database" connected to "Sequelize" to look like "Sequelize Models" in your "Sequelize Model Schemes"
Secondry layer cache for Entity Framework
Dapper.SimpleCRUD.Core is a porting for .NET Standard 1.3 from the excelent extension created by Eric Coffman (