Simple, efficient background processing for Ruby.
Sidekiq uses threads to handle many jobs at the same time in the same process. It does not require Rails but will integrate tightly with Rails to make background processing dead simple.
Scheduler / Cron for Sidekiq jobs
翻译 - Sidekiq作业的Scheduler / Cron
Lightweight job scheduler extension for Sidekiq
翻译 - Sidekiq的轻量级作业调度程序扩展
Prevents duplicate Sidekiq jobs
翻译 - 确保您的Sidekiq工作的唯一性
👍👎 A recommendation engine using Likes and Dislikes for your Ruby app
翻译 - :+1 ::-1:一个推荐引擎,在您的Ruby应用中使用Likes和Dislikes
Dockerize Rails 7 with ActionCable, Webpacker, Stimulus, Elasticsearch, Sidekiq
翻译 - 带有ActionCable,Webpacker,Stimulus,Elasticsearch,Sidekiq的Dockerize Rails 6
The official Airbrake library for Ruby applications
翻译 - Ruby应用程序的官方Airbrake库
A Sidekiq plugin to support advanced queue control (limiting, pausing, blocking, querying)
See statistic about your workers
翻译 - 查看有关您工人的统计数据
Launch Rails with 1 shell command!
Elegant, resilient, durable workflows for Rails apps
This Background Jobs style guide is a list of best practices working with Ruby background jobs.
Directed acyclic graphs of Sidekiq jobs
#计算机科学#RSS as RESTful. This service allows you to transform RSS feed into an awesome API.
翻译 - 这项服务可让您将RSS feed转换为很棒的API。
#安全#Ruby's missing background and batch processing system