behaviac is a framework of the game AI development, and it also can be used as a rapid game prototype design tool. behaviac supports the behavior tree, finite state machine and hierarchical task netwo...
翻译 - 行为是游戏AI开发的框架,也可以用作快速游戏原型设计工具。行为支持行为树,有限状态机和分层任务网络(BT,FSM,HTN)
A simple HTN planner based around the principles of the Builder pattern.
A Hierarchical Task Network planner utilizing LLMs like OpenAI's GPT-4 to create complex plans from natural language that can be converted into an executable form.
Lightweight C++/Python Hierarchical Task Network (HTN) AI Engine
Minimal HTN AI implementation for Unity3d.
SIADEX - An HTN planner with temporal, partial order planning
PyHOP is a simple Hierarchical Task Network (HTN) planner written in Python; here is a C++ port of PyHop.
A C++ hierarchical task network (HTN) planner library that interprets a custom domain language.
A automated task composer and HTN based planner for building autonomous system agents.
6 DOF arm manipulation, utilizing knowledge-based reasoning, BDI and HTN planning
👓 Graph visualization of HTN plans using IPC output format
Helppier: A web app for volunteering. It was submitted to Hack The North 2021 and was among the winning projects.
All breaking changes in one place!
PokerShark is An Open Source Texas no limit Hold'em player, based on HTN Planning techniques including risk-awareness.