EMBA - The firmware security analyzer
翻译 - emba-一种用于基于Linux的嵌入式设备固件的分析器。
Embeddable Linux Kernel Subset - Linux for 8086
翻译 - Embeddable Linux Kernel Subset
Embedded Linux embedding for Flutter
翻译 - Flutter的嵌入式Linux嵌入式
Docker/Qemu Based Linux Kernel Learning, Development and Testing Environment; New Linux ELF Video Course from this project author: https://www.cctalk.com/m/group/88089283
IoTGoat is a deliberately insecure firmware created to educate software developers and security professionals with testing commonly found vulnerabilities in IoT devices.
翻译 - IoTGoat是一种故意不安全的固件,旨在通过测试IoT设备中常见的漏洞来教育软件开发人员和安全专业人员。
macchina.io EDGE is a powerful C++ and JavaScript SDK for edge devices, multi-service IoT gateways and connected embedded systems.
#安卓#a tool to analyze filesystem images for security
翻译 - 分析文件系统映像以确保安全的工具
Flutter tools for embedded Linux (eLinux)
#新手入门#This repository should serve as a guide to everybody who wants to study software and hardware for embedded systems but doesn't know where to start.
tool to generate multiple filesystem and flash images from a tree
EMBArk - The firmware security scanning environment
reMarkable app: Browse and download books from Z-Library
This project aims to build an Embedded Linux System, in order to analyze the chip from the power-on execution of the first instruction to the entire system running, based on qemu simulator development...
Templated type-safe hashmap implementation in C using open addressing and linear probing for collision resolution.
Embedded Flutter runtime targeting Embedded Linux with Wayland
#安卓#嵌入式 Linux 知识库 (elinux.org) 中文翻译计划;本项目发起人发布了《360° 剖析 Linux ELF》视频课程,欢迎订阅:https://www.cctalk.com/m/group/88089283
#Awesome#A curated list of awesome Embedded Linux resources.
Open Source Version of Allwinner PhoenixCard to Dump, Unpack, Flash Allwinner IMG Files on Linux
Implementation of I2C-bus written in Golang. Forked from davecheney/i2c.