EMBA - The firmware security analyzer
翻译 - emba-一种用于基于Linux的嵌入式设备固件的分析器。
Embedded Linux embedding for Flutter
翻译 - Flutter的嵌入式Linux嵌入式
IoTGoat is a deliberately insecure firmware created to educate software developers and security professionals with testing commonly found vulnerabilities in IoT devices.
翻译 - IoTGoat是一种故意不安全的固件,旨在通过测试IoT设备中常见的漏洞来教育软件开发人员和安全专业人员。
a tool to analyze filesystem images for security
翻译 - 分析文件系统映像以确保安全的工具
A Monolinux distro for the Jiffy board!
翻译 - Jiffy开发板的Monolinux发行版!