This is a collection of tutorials for learning how to use Docker with various tools. Contributions welcome.
翻译 - 这是一系列教程,用于学习如何将Docker与各种工具结合使用。欢迎捐款。
A 10-Lesson course teaching everything you need to know about harnessing GitHub Copilot as an AI Paired Programming resource.
A curated list of awesome infosec courses and training resources.
TensorFlow Basic Tutorial Labs
翻译 - TensorFlow基本教程实验室
A training framework for Stable Baselines3 reinforcement learning agents, with hyperparameter optimization and pre-trained agents included.
A tool that allows you to create vulnerable instrumented local or cloud environments to simulate attacks against and collect the data into Splunk
翻译 - 该工具可让您创建易受攻击的本地化或云环境,以模拟针对Splunk的攻击并将数据收集到Splunk中
Hands on labs and code to help you learn, measure, and build using architectural best practices.
翻译 - 动手练习和编写代码,以帮助您使用体系结构最佳实践来学习,衡量和构建。
👑 A tiny yet powerful tool for high-performance color manipulations and conversions
Docker/Qemu Based Linux Kernel Learning, Development and Testing Environment; New Linux ELF Video Course from this project author:
Windows Local Privilege Escalation Cookbook
#Awesome#A curated list of VULNERABLE APPS and SYSTEMS which can be used as PENETRATION TESTING PRACTICE LAB.
A comprehensive color library for JavaScript.
This Lab contain the sample codes which are vulnerable to Server-Side Request Forgery attack
翻译 - 本实验包含易受服务器端请求伪造攻击的示例代码
Building an Active Directory domain and hacking it
#数据仓库#Useful links of different content related to AI, Computer Vision, and Robotics.