A LaTeX Template for BUPT Bachelor Thesis (updated in 2018) 北京邮电大学学士学位论文LaTeX模板
🦠 Automatically submit BUPT COVID-19 statistics through GitHub Actions / 使用 GitHub Actions 自动填报北邮 COVID-19 疫情信息
ML Records in 1110 Lab of BUPT. Some detailed information can be referenced on: https://mathpretty.com/10388.html
北京邮电大学本科生毕设论文 Typst 模板。Typst template for dissertations in Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT).
A collection of Code by BOT Man during the College Life in BUPT
北邮北京邮电大学校园网网关自动化认证脚本。支持有线网和无线网。支持带参数 Portal 认证、AC 跳转、掉线重连。跨平台。 BUPT Network Login.
accessing internal network of USTB outside school. USTB/BUPT(或其他基于webvpn的高校) 网络访问代理工具,可在校外无缝连接校内网络(网站、ssh、git、vnc、win远程桌面等)
An script for choosing class by a way of massive polling on jwgl.bupt.edu.cn