#前端开发#A minimalist and user-friendly design, combined with an mobile first approach for the Home Assistant dashboard.
You can decrypt RPG-Maker-MV Resource Files with this project ~ If you don't wanna download it, you can use the Script on my HP:
You can decrypt whole RPG-Maker MV Directories with this Program, it also has a GUI.
#学习与技能提升#🌙 A really tiny WebAssembly compiler for demonstration and educational purposes. Written in Go and built as one of my quests to conquer the WebAssembly dungeon
API Hari Libur Nasional di Indonesia.
Unofficial DHL PHP SDK based on the DHL API - Updated to API-Version 2
Paprback is a showcase for your bookshelves, and place to manage all your readings. A full-stack project that I built to correctly learn React.
A collection of Code by BOT Man during the College Life in BUPT
#安卓#Android recipes search App
An experiment with WebAssembly ✨ Harmony brings Git in your browser! Create and/or modify local files, on the fly, in your browser. Use git branches and commits to track them.
#学习与技能提升#Conoce Git a profundidad a través de un manual ilustrado
#博客#🏚 Home on the Web
A todo app built with React.js, Redux and Firebase designed and developed with a strong focus on accessibility and user interaction.
#前端开发#Projeto pessoal: Obter a temperatura ambiente e através de um termistor ligado a um arduino e disponibilizar esses dados em tempo real via API NodeJS. No front-end os dados são acessados por uma inter...
#网络爬虫#A list of /wdg/ personal projects https://wdg.one/
Project Website Pribadi Kelas Siswa/i RPL 1 (archive)
A versatile Telegram bot developed from scratch for downloading media from multiple social media platforms.