A list of resources for those interested in getting started in bug bounties
翻译 - 那些有兴趣开始赏金的人的资源列表
#安全#Top disclosed reports from HackerOne
Automatic SSRF fuzzer and exploitation tool
翻译 - 自动SSRF模糊器和开发工具
SSRF (Server Side Request Forgery) testing resources
This Lab contain the sample codes which are vulnerable to Server-Side Request Forgery attack
翻译 - 本实验包含易受服务器端请求伪造攻击的示例代码
#安全#一款功能强大的漏洞扫描器,子域名爆破使用aioDNS,asyncio异步快速扫描,覆盖目标全方位资产进行批量漏洞扫描,中间件信息收集,自动收集ip代理,探测Waf信息时自动使用来保护本机真实Ip,在本机Ip被Waf杀死后,自动切换代理Ip进行扫描,Waf信息收集(国内外100+款waf信息)包括安全狗,云锁,阿里云,云盾,腾讯云等,提供部分已知waf bypass 方案,中间件漏洞检测(Think...
RevSuit is a flexible and powerful reverse connection platform designed for receiving connection from target host in penetration.
翻译 - RevSuit 是一个灵活而强大的反向连接平台,专为在渗透中接收来自目标主机的连接而设计。
An exquisite dns&http log server for verify SSRF/XXE/RFI/RCE vulnerability
SSRF Proxy facilitates tunneling HTTP communications through servers vulnerable to Server-Side Request Forgery.
JAVA 漏洞靶场 (Vulnerability Environment For Java)
XRCross is a Reconstruction, Scanner, and a tool for penetration / BugBounty testing. This tool was built to test (XSS|SSRF|CORS|SSTI|IDOR|RCE|LFI|SQLI) vulnerabilities
A simple SSRF-testing sheriff written in Go
翻译 - 用Go语言编写的简单的SSRF测试警长
Fast CLI tool to find the parameters that can be used to find SSRF or Out-of-band resource load :artificial_satellite: 🦀