Spring Boot & Spring Cloud & Spring Security Demo Case(Spring学习示例实战项目)
spring-cloud / spring-cloud-function,spring.cloud.function.routing-expression,RCE,0day,0-day,POC,EXP,CVE-2022-22963
一个强大的 Java 参数校验包,基于 SpEL 实现,扩展自 jakarta.validation-api 包,用于简化参数校验,几乎支持所有场景下的参数校验。
A Streamlit component to build a condition tree
Development of SPEL - Open Star Tracker (SOST) - Software tested in our nanosatellites SUCHAI-2/3 AND PlantSAT
Spring expression language repackaged dependencies into my namespace; this is archived in order to maven-shade-plugin
It is a spell checker implemented using bloom filters that highlights spelling mistakes. A file is taken as an input which is checked against the provided dictionary highlighting the words not present...