JNDIExploit or a ysoserial.
Java RMI Vulnerability Scanner
Common Exploitation Techniques for Java RCE Vulnerabilities in Real-World Scenarios | 实战场景较通用的 Java Rce 相关漏洞的利用方式
Cola Dnslog v1.3.2 更加强大的dnslog平台/无回显漏洞探测辅助平台 完全开源 dnslog httplog ldaplog rmilog 支持dns http ldap rmi等协议 提供API调用方式便于与其他工具结合 支持钉钉机器人、Bark等提醒 支持docker一键部署 后端完全使用python实现 前端基于vue-element-admin二开
Unix Domain Sockets for all Java versions 7 and newer (AF_UNIX), AF_TIPC, AF_VSOCK, and more
JNDI 注入利用工具, 支持 RMI, LDAP 和 LDAPS 协议, 包含多种高版本 JDK 绕过方式 | A JNDI injection exploit tool that supports RMI, LDAP and LDAPS protocols, including a variety of methods to bypass higher-version JDK
distributed Actors for Java 8 / JavaScript
干净的springboot-netty,google protocol buffer,根目录下我给你放了一本《Netty实战(精髓)》,test下关于同步回调和异步回调、JUC和NIO(RPC我也加进来了)的一些讲解的方法代码
This is a vehicle reservation system. Which is made with JavaFX and also using hibernate and RMI.
分布式通讯(rmi) remote method invocation example(java、scala、kotlin、springboot、zookeeper)
Linkit is a networking framework in which connections directly manipulates common objects between them
AMD APML modules, apml_sbtsi and apml_sbrmi registers to hwmon framework provding temperature and power metrics of the socket. They are extended by registering a misc_device, which provides ioctl inte...
☕ A Distributed Task Scheduling System is a software infrastructure that allows for the distribution and execution of tasks across multiple nodes in a network. It enhances the efficiency and scalabi...
Programmazione Distribuita@UNISA