轻量型数据采集器。它们从成百上千或成千上万台机器和系统向 Logstash 或 Elasticsearch 发送数据。
[C/C++] Run Netkeeper on OpenWrt Device
翻译 - [C / C ++]在OpenWrt设备上运行Netkeeper
An Arduino Library for the MAX3015 particle sensor and MAX30102 Pulse Ox sensor
A PulseSensor library (for Arduino) that collects our most popular projects in one place.
Compare files from various activity trackers
A Lightweight Socket Service with heartbeat, Can be easily used in TCP server development.
Open-source device for measuring cardiograpgy signals with a GUI for easier handling and additional software for analyzing the data.
Giving the Elastic Stack a try in Vagrant
干净的springboot-netty,google protocol buffer,根目录下我给你放了一本《Netty实战(精髓)》,test下关于同步回调和异步回调、JUC和NIO(RPC我也加进来了)的一些讲解的方法代码
Periodically schedule a job to send a heartbeat to a monitoring system.
翻译 - 定期安排作业以将心跳发送到监视系统。
Listen to Tux's heartbeat with this awesome Linux Kernel Module ❤️