Java RMI Vulnerability Scanner
RMIScout uses wordlist and bruteforce strategies to enumerate Java RMI functions and exploit RMI parameter unmarshalling vulnerabilities
翻译 - RMIScout使用单词列表和蛮力策略来枚举Java RMI函数并利用RMI参数解组漏洞
RmiTaste allows security professionals to detect, enumerate, interact and exploit RMI services by calling remote methods with gadgets from ysoserial.
Example codes for my Distributed Computing course at Hefei University.
Dirmi is a replacement for Java RMI which supports bidirectional remote objects.
Remote desktop using java, rmi, tcp. Some functions like remote server, remote mouse and keyboard of server, read hardware of server, multi chat, send file.
A collection of programming/debugging exercises to support a course on Distributed Systems.
Desktop App for messaging and sharing file created with Java RMI and Java SWING
Shared Database Integration with Java's Remote Method Invocation (RMI), XML parsing and Laravel.
Java's Remote Method Invocation (RMI) shopping cart system.
Just another open source clone of Twitter using Java RMI, Angular 2 and WebSockets.
Projet de classe du module Programmation Concurrentielle et Réseau, une application E-Learning avec des classes virtuelles, dans chaque classe l'utilisateur peut envoyer des messages et des fichiers e...
Remote method invocation (RMI) and simple Java Database management project.
University web-service project. Based on Java-RMI, Soap-web-services, Spring-boot REST and controllable with Angular2 front-end.
🌐 Exercício Programa da disciplina de Desenvolvimento de Sistemas de Informação Distribuídos abordando Remote Method Invocation.
Berkeley algorithm implementation, using Client-Server Architecture (Java RMI), for Distributed Systems class at FURB.
RMI connection tested by implementing the Tic-tac-toe game.