一款长亭自研的完善的安全评估工具,支持常见 web 安全问题扫描和自定义 poc | 使用之前务必先阅读文档
The LAZY script will make your life easier, and of course faster.
This repository contain a lot of web and api vulnerability checklist , a lot of vulnerability ideas and tips from twitter
#安全#All in One CRACKER911181's Tool. This Tool For Hacking and Pentesting. 🎭
Simple python script supported with BurpBouty profile that helps you to detect SQL injection "Error based" by sending multiple requests with 14 payloads and checking for 152 regex patterns for differe...
#安全#A Powerful Sensor Tool to discover login panels, and POST Form SQLi Scanning
JAVA 漏洞靶场 (Vulnerability Environment For Java)
NoSql Injection CLI tool, for finding vulnerable websites using MongoDB.
Ary 是一个集成类工具,主要用于调用各种安全工具,从而形成便捷的一键式渗透。
Official Kali Linux tool to check all urls of a domain for SQL injections :)
#安全#Egyscan The Best web vulnerability scanner; it's a multifaceted security powerhouse designed to fortify your web applications against malicious threats. Let's delve into the tasks and functions that m...
Dork Search , Vulnerability Scanner ,SQL Injection , XSS , LFI ,RFI
#安全#Bypass WAF SQL Injection SQLMAP
Using this script, you can enumerate Usernames and passwords of Nosql(mongodb) injecion vulnerable web applications.
SQLi Query Tampering extends and adds custom Payload Generator/Processor in Burp Suite's Intruder. This extension gives you the flexibility of manual testing with many powerful evasion techniques.
SQLMutant is a powerful SQL injection testing tool that includes both passive and active reconnaissance processes for any given domain. It filters URLs to identify those with parameters susceptible to...