一款长亭自研的完善的安全评估工具,支持常见 web 安全问题扫描和自定义 poc | 使用之前务必先阅读文档
#网络爬虫# Wscan is a web security scanner that focuses on web security, dedicated to making web security accessible to everyone.
Paskto - Passive Web Scanner
🔭 Collection of regexp pattern for security passive scanning
Light Armoured Recon is a python script designed to automate passive recon. It automates execution of TheHarvester, whois, Robtex.com, Builtwith.com, DNSrecon, metagoofil, & knockpy.
Honeyscanner: A vulnerability analyzer for honeypots
active / passive network scanner
PyBurp Allows you to modify Burp Suite proxy requests and responses with simple Python code, supports remote invocation of encryption and decryption methods in browsers or apps, greatly facilitating s...
A passive online scanner from OWTF
JitterBug passively searches for Basic Info, open ports, potential CVE's on the given Target IP in third party databases without Direct interaction with the target
A shell script to link the output of some of my favorite security scanning tools. This tool features both active and passive scanning. TRY THIS AT HOME!... And never against networks you do not have ...
Passive Vulnerability Scanner working with Wappalyzer API and MITRE CVE search functionnality.
passive device fingerprinting api for network intrustion detection